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Lithe, long-lived humanoids, elves are easily recognized by their pointed ears and pupils so large that their eyes seem to be all one color. Possessed of an inherent bond with the natural world, they tend to subtly take on the coloration of their surroundings over the course of many years and have a deep spiritual regard for nature.

Of all the races common to the solar system, elves were perhaps the hardest-hit, and the slowest to adapt and recover. Where shorter-lived races quickly gave birth to children who had never known any other way of life and thus were personally unaffected by the loss of history, the elven generation continued on, broken and confused by the blank centuries in their own lives and memories. What’s more, those leaders charged with trying to piece together their social history from scraps soon came to a grim conclusion: their race had been betrayed by another—yet exactly which race was involved remains unclear, all suggestions of the answer scrubbed.

Reeling and angry, elves from across the system retreated to their ancestral homeland and dug in, determined to never again be caught unprepared by disaster. Even this was a fraught endeavor, however, as many of the established elven families resented the chaos and upheaval caused by the sudden flood of refugees.

Today, the elves are a reclusive, xenophobic race, little understood by their neighbors and uninclined to remedy that situation. Though their starships still travel the void, trading with other worlds, they largely carry all-elven crews, and most elves choose to live among their own kind. Those adventurous or rebellious individuals who choose to live among other races are called the Forlorn, due both to their loss of elven companionship and to their tendency to outlive friends of other races. Most are viewed with pity and suspicion by their kindred.

Within their borders, elves tend to be whimsical and passionate, yet when dealing with outsiders their laughter disappears quickly, replaced by a cold, unyielding wall. Elven warriors and diplomats operating on government business sometimes even choose to go masked, hiding their identities around other races in order to better represent a united elven state.

While elves have embraced technology and the security it brings, they also maintain a deep affinity for magic, seeing in its practice a continuity with their ancestors. Elves are most often mystics, operatives, and technomancers, and when they go adventuring, it’s often to recover bits of magical lore lost to history, or else to find ways to ensure their strength in the centuries to come. The primary exception to all of these tendencies are the drow—purple-skinned elves who reject the company of their brethren and mine alien tech from that world’s interior, making them some of the most feared and respected arms dealers in the system. Ordinary elves and drow despise one another.

Most elves stand 5-1/2 to 6-1/2 feet tall and weigh 100–150 pounds. They’re considered adults at 100 and naturally live up to 750 years.

Racial Traits

Ability Adjustments +2 Dex, +2 Int, –2 Con

Hit Points 4

Alternate Ability Adjustments

Source SCOM

Forlorn elves have ability score adjustments of +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, and -2 Wisdom rather than the given adjustments.

Size and Type

Elves are Medium humanoids with the elf subtype.

Elven Immunities

Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and receive a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against enchantment spells and effects.

Elven Magic

Elves receive a +2 racial bonus to caster level checks to overcome spell resistance. In addition, elves receive a +2 racial bonus to Mysticism skill checks.

Keen Senses

Elves receive a +2 racial bonus to Perception skill checks.

Low-Light Vision

Elves can see in dim light as if it were normal light. See Vision and Light.

Alternate Racial Traits

Asanan Elf

Source SCOM

Lashunta influence—some scholars say—has caused some elves to develop limited telepathy and lashunta magic, as the lashunta racial traits.

This replaces elven immunities and elven magic.


Source SCOM

Some elves are born with darkvision with a range of 60 feet. When these elves are in no light or dim light and they are exposed to bright light, they are dazzled for 1 round.

This replaces low-light vision.

Elven Skeptic

Source SCOM

Elves can be untrusting of others. These elves train to see through deceptions, and gain a +2 racial bonus to Sense Motive checks and saving throws against illusion spells. Once per day, they can roll a Sense Motive check twice and use the better result.

This replaces elven immunities.

Forlorn Connection

Source SCOM

Despite being called Forlorn, those elves who live among other species are often quite sociable. These elves gain a +2 racial bonus to Diplomacy checks and can cast comprehend languages once per day. At 10th level, they can also cast tongues once per day.

This replaces elven magic.

Memory Gap

Source SCOM

Many elves have no memory of the details of their relationships and history.

This lack of context is a struggle for them, but has toughened their minds. They gain a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against mind-affecting effects.

This replaces elven immunities.

Wilderness Runner

Source SCOM

Many elves enjoy spending time in unspoiled wilderness. They gain a +2 racial bonus to Survival checks.

This replaces keen senses.